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Marketing trends to take note of as we fly through 2024…

At the start of each new year there is always lots of talk about trends to stay on top of as we plan and navigate the months ahead. Now that we’re already in the second week of February we decided to take a breath and look a little closer at some of the marketing trends to take note of as we fly through 2024.

In a recent Forbes article, Lomit Padel looks at the predicted “10 Marketing Trends That Will Dominate In 2024”.

Here Emily Horan, Marketing Assistant with Thrive Marketing, breaks down and explores these trends in more detail and briefly outlines how companies can navigate the dynamic marketing landscape to meet audience expectations and position themselves for success.

1. AI Marketing Collaboration: Emphasises a collaborative approach between humans and AI for personalised customer experiences and optimised campaigns, acknowledging AI's transformative role in marketing. Now is an excellent time to take a step back and identify how you and your business can integrate AI into your marketing activity.

Marketers can use AI-powered tools for customer segmentation and predictive analytics, allowing them to tailor marketing messages based on individual preferences. This collaboration ensures more effective and targeted campaigns, improving customer satisfaction and retention.

2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Integration: Foresees a deeper integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in marketing, offering immersive brand storytelling and enhancing consumer engagement through innovative experiences.

Companies can create AR-powered mobile apps that allow customers to virtually try out products before purchasing. This immersive experience not only enhances customer engagement but also reduces the likelihood of product returns, improving overall customer satisfaction.

3. Hyper-Personalisation with AI: Discusses the strategic use of hyper-personalisation by sales and marketing teams, leveraging AI and machine learning to curate content, product recommendations, and offers tailored to individual customer data.

E-commerce platforms can utilise AI algorithms to analyse customer browsing history and behaviour, providing personalised product recommendations in real-time.

4. Influencer Marketing Authenticity: Highlights the shift towards fostering genuine relationships with micro-influencers, recognising the modern consumer's inclination towards authenticity in influencer marketing.

Marketers can collaborate with micro-influencers who genuinely use and appreciate their products. This authenticity resonates with the audience, fostering trust and credibility, ultimately driving higher conversion rates compared to traditional influencer partnerships.

5. Video Marketing Dynamics: Spotlights the growing significance of short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content in video marketing, providing a competitive advantage to companies’ adept at leveraging these trends.

6. Voice Search Optimisation: Advocates for the incorporation of voice search optimisation techniques to enhance content discoverability, considering the expanding user base of voice assistants.

Businesses can optimize their website content for voice search queries by incorporating natural language phrases and questions. This ensures that when users employ voice commands via devices like smart speakers or smartphones, the content remains easily discoverable.

7. Power of User-Generated Content (UGC): Positions UGC as a potent brand marketing strategy, encouraging audience participation through contests and challenges to bolster brand credibility and foster customer loyalty.

Companies can launch UGC campaigns, encouraging customers to share their experiences with the brand through photos or videos. These can be integrated into marketing materials, creating a sense of community and authenticity around the brand.

8. Social Commerce Evolution: Discusses the transformation of social media platforms into comprehensive e-commerce ecosystems, projecting major platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to integrate advanced shopping features.

Brands can implement "Shop Now" features on their social media profiles, allowing users to make purchases directly through the platform. This streamlines the customer journey, making it convenient for users to discover and buy products without leaving the social media environment.

9. Privacy and Data Protection Emphasis: Underscores the critical importance of prioritising consumer trust and data protection, urging businesses to adopt robust data privacy practices and transparent policies in response to increased scrutiny.

Marketers can openly communicate about their commitment to data privacy by incorporating clear and concise privacy policies. This transparency helps build trust with consumers, assuring them that their data is handled responsibly and ethically.

10. Sustainability and Purpose-Driven Marketing: Concludes by stressing the necessity for businesses to authentically adopt sustainability practices and purpose-driven marketing strategies, recognising the rising importance of appealing to socially conscious consumers.

Brands can showcase their commitment to sustainability by incorporating eco-friendly packaging, using ethically sourced materials, and actively participating in environmental initiatives. Communicating these efforts fosters a positive brand image and attracts socially conscious consumers.


The Forbes article predicts that companies adapting to these trends will not only meet audience expectations but also position your company for success in the dynamic marketing landscape of 2024. To have a look at the article for yourself see … 10 Marketing Trends That Will Dominate In 2024 (

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